Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Dr. Appointments

Miss Ella
Weight:6.45 lbs (she has dropped in weight but they are not concerned as this is really normal for the first 10 days after birth and she looks healthy and alert).
-She is a bit jaundice so she had to get a blood test and will have another one tomorrow morning just as a precaution. I hate that test. Her poor little heel. She was a total trooper today though. What a content baby!!!! We had her out and about from 10:30-1:30 and she was good as gold.

My incsion is A-ok and he is quite pleased with the results and how mobile I am.

The proud big sister. She went to Miss Kim's this morning to catch up with her peeps...hahaha. She brought her costumes and some new lip gloss and was all set. When we picked her up she was so excited to show off her little sister to Kim. It was adorable to see her that proud of her new sis. Then it was off to the lawyers to sign something else and Kailey had the whole office laughing. :-S She told them about her ring that is not like any normal ring...this one opens and there is lip gloss. 'How did you like my pony tail?', 'I am kailey this is my sister baby Ella'. 'I can sign something at the law-y-ers today?'. The girl ran off another copy of the encrouchment agreement and Kailey got to sign her name by ours. She asked the lady for a better pen though...hahaha. Crazy.