Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

 Little Ella Bella Boo cut her top 2 teeth the same day this picture was taken!!!  She was running a high fever so I gave her some Advil, but other than that nothing else to report.  I am so lucky as that could have been a major deal.  I was shocked to see the 2 of them.  One came down faster than the other, so with her one bottom tooth and the top one it looks pretty funny when she smiles now.  Her other bottom tooth is very very close.
Kailey and Daddy all ready for their date night.  She was waiting with her jacket and boots on and asked me to take a picture of them.  She was sooooo into the movie and now has a favorite Princess.  Don't buy any Rapunzel stuff though as we are hooking her up for Christmas and we would like to be the heroes for a