Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

C''ve got to be kidding me!

**12:50pm - update**
-If I thought Kailey hated her bottle before, try shoving a ton of snot up her nose and see how much she likes to suck on the bottle. This will be a loooong day. I ended up giving her some formula in a cup (an regular drinking cup) and mixing as much as I could with her squash so it would stay on the spoon. Still only a fraction of her bottle got in her. I know I need to keep fluids in her, but what they didn't mention is how the hell I am supposed to do that. Are Moms given some sort of special powers that make them hang on when all seems lost? Jack was ready to snap after two and a half hours with her last night so I could take a bath, do the dishes and prepare the next days bottles *sigh*. What is it about Moms? We are certainly blessed with some superhuman powers aren't we?

I think it is time that Kailey and I get a break. She now has my wicked cold/flu thing. She started to cough and had a runny nose last night and then the big 'boom' happened and 10pm...massive crying/screaming, tears and mucus running down her face. She is sick. She was up every hour crying and coughing for at least 20 min stretches. I mean every hour from 10pm until wake up time this morning at 7am. To say I am tired is an understatement. Between her eating problems and now this...when can I just sit back and enjoy her? She has been through enough I think. Whoever is in charge of this universe can maybe cut us some slack anytime...that would be great. So what was that massive vomiting? was it part of this flu? I do know that all the other times I thought her eating/throwing up issues were a result of her having a cold I was dead wrong. This is definitely her first cold/illness. Thankfully the Tempra is working and she is having a nap right now. She doesn't have a fever and she did drink most of her bottle this morning and whatever she had left I made into a soupy oatmeal/banana mixture. She spent an hour in the hip hammock snuggled into my chest. Anytime I would show her a mirror she would start to cry. I feel so sorry for her. :-(