Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 07, 2007


Kailey slept 11 hours last night so she is obviously on the mend. I could hear her coughing off and on all night through the monitor, but when I would go in to check on her she would be sound asleep. She woke up happy and drank her bottle ok so I am thinking the ear tugging was just her being tired rather than an infection. She still has a nasty cough and a runny nose so I am keeping an eye on her. She is down for her nap already so I guess she is fighting this by sleeping it off. Wouldn't you know it....Wal-Mart ran out of her formula (the concentrate) so we bought the powder to try and she doesn't like it. Maybe she was just tired and wasn't hungry, but I doubt that considering she ate half a jar of pears in record time instead. I have three bottles left made with the concentrate so Jack is going to check Wal-Mart again today to see if it is in. Lesson learned: do not wait until you have one can left before buying a new case. I am so glad she changed channels on her 'new, not improved' eating technique. She has been really studying us eating and now she thinks she needs to chew, as in chew for the entire feeding duration. The minute I would set the bowl down she would start chewing so you would have to aim the spoon just right and time it perfectly...annoying. She is back to normal with that one...phew. What she is still doing the odd time though is blowing raspberries with a mouth full of food and then examining the 'dots' she just made on the tray and the wall beside her. When she is done poking them she then takes her open hand and rubs them away...what a mess.