So here is one for you all!? Kailey preferred her bottles to solids yesterday...go figure. Carrots and apple and blueberries were on the menu and she basically blew raspberries every spoonful until I just gave up and left the solids alone by mid afternoon. She sprayed me, the wall, herself, the dogs and the highchair was covered in multi-colored dots and if it wasn't a gift, I would have burned it rather than clean that colossal mess (that is a little extreme I guess). So frustrating. She started today off trying that business again so I ignored her and put her food in the fridge when she would do this. I had to do this a few times before she would take a bite like a good girl. She got a big praise for her normal bites and now she is back on track. So what the heck was that about? Thank God I have tons of dog training experience - I know how that sounds, but positive reinforcement techniques apply to all situations. ;-) I took her to The Woof Inn to pick up a Halti for Zoe and Jackie couldn't believe how tall she is now. She is one tall chicky that is for sure. She is really lean and lanky right now (except her booty - that is still chunky hahaha). We spent a couple of hours at the Marina again too.
The picture of her in the stroller was taken yesterday. I just got her belted in and the clouds rolled in and the wind picked up so she was in the stroller for a total of 2 minutes, but I couldn't resist taking a picture of her because she was so happy to be out and then I crushed her when I had to put her back in the car right away. There were some tears shed so I took her to the mall and we went to Sobey's to pick up some produce. Note to self and all the other novice Mom's: Do not park the stroller where babe can reach a piece of fruit on the bottom of the lovely produce display because a fruit 'Niagara falls' will occur and you will be so embarrassed that your face will turn as red as the fountain of apples cascading to the ground...lovely lesson learned. :-(